Tag: Print Management

10 common printer security risks and how to solve them

You may not think it – but your company printers could be a huge breach of your security and data protection responsibilities. ABC Managed Services have the solution.

Today’s printers have made an evolutionary leap from the office equipment we used even five years ago. Modern printers have many of the functions of your laptop computer – with the additional feature that they can print.

For many of us, the days of having a printer on the table that our desktop computer was tethered-to by a cable, are long gone. Instead, most offices now have a central printer, or bank of printers, that everyone can send print jobs to, wirelessly.

Yet, we tend not to think of printers, when we’re considering data security.

You should! Think about the features of a computer that you need to secure, then think about your online printers in the same way.

The Printer turned laptop

When you send a document to be printed, wirelessly, you are opening it up to all the same security issues you can experience on your computer, or your phone.

If it is not properly and robustly secured – your printer fleet can be vulnerable to attack by:

• Hackers attempting to disrupt your business.

• Competitors snooping on your sensitive commercial traffic.

• Fraudsters wanting to steal identities and secrets.

• Disgruntled ex-employees determined to undermine your reputation.

GDPR – Getting Data Protection Right

All of the new GDPR regulations – boasting fines higher than Mount Everest – apply just as much to your printers as to your computers, storage and mobile devices.

Here are just some of the weak-points you may have in your existing printer setup.

BIOS and Firmware: Compromised and out-of-date firmware can leave a device and network vulnerable to attack.

Control Panel: Canny operators can change settings and exploit device functions, unless the device is carefully monitored.

Input Tray: Special media – such as watermarked paper – can be tampered with or stolen.

Mobile Printing: Employees, out in the field, can expose data to security vulnerabilities by printing on unsecure devices.

Multi-Function:  Unsecured MFP (multi-function printers) can be exploited to send data anywhere.

Network: Jobs -and sensitive documents – can be intercepted enroute to and from a device in an unsecure network.

Output Tray:Uncollected items are vulnerable, anyone can see them or take them.

Ports: Unsecured ports (whether it be USB connectors or network access) can put the device’s security at risk.

Scanner: Sharing functions like scan-to-cloud or scan- to-email can be vulnerable to exploitation.

Storage: The printer stores the information it prints or scans – this can be insecure.

HP Security Solutions

ABC work with HP to ensure that security is fitted as standard in any and all of our printer systems. It’s like you get a free security guard with every printer system.

ABC and HP can protect both your devices and data with some of the most powerful tools on the market today. These include:  

HP SureStart: Which checks BIOS integrity with every start-up, self-diagnoses and self-heals any vulnerabilities.

HP Secure White Listing: Our devices will only load validated and known firmware.

HP Run time Intrusion Detection: Constant self-monitored for malicious attacks, any incursion is immediately flagged-up to SIEM (Security Incident and Event Management).

Download free guide to printer security

Protect your Printers, Strengthen your Security

Here at ABC Managed Services, we’re HP’s premier UK partner – so you know you’ll get the best, most consistent service, featuring the most up-to-date software and state-of-the-art solutions.

If you’d like us to help you find a printer solution that can save you money, time, resources – and shore up your security – get in touch.

Email enquiries@abcmanagedservices.uk, or ring us on 0333 016 3036 or fill in the form and we’ll contact you.

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Santa’s print and document security clause

Santa Claus in green santa suit


The digital age is here. It’s affecting businesses across the land. Way off in the North Pole, the onset of digitisation is also shaking the snow from Santa’s tree.

As with any savvy business person, Santa is embracing technology to optimise key processes. After all, he and his poor elves need all the help they can get to battle through their busiest time of the year.

Long gone are the days of giddy children scrawling wish lists on pieces of torn paper. Indeed, modern tech-savvy children are emailing their Christmas lists to Santa’s personal email!

It just happens that Rudolph is secretly pleased with this revolution. Our furry friend believes that reducing paper usage is protecting fellow deer and forest habitats.

Flip that chocolatey Christmas coin, and you’ll find Santa’s cheeks redder than Rudolph’s nose. Why, you ask, is Santa’s anxiety climbing higher than his sleigh? Well, because he’s concerned that the dastardly Grinch could pinch the children’s letters from the printer.

Santa needs the gift of document security

So it was that Santa sent an email to ABC. A quick assessment revealed he’d been a very very good boy this year. As such, ABC introduced the gift of document security to Santa’s printer fleet.

This means that only authorised elves with an activation card can print the childrens’ emails.

With document security, Santa can rest assured that each and every child will get what they asked for this Christmas, as emails and printed materials will be protected from unwanted eyes.

Let’s hope Santa securely prints off all the childrens’ emails before Christmas Eve … after all, according to Rudolph, he does have a tendency to leave things last minute.


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