ABC Secure Managed Service Package
Cybercrime surrounds us and, 71% of businesses are said to be unprepared for attacks. The sensitive data which flows along your document output is vulnerable to these outside forces.
ABC Secure safeguards your document and print environment. Printers that are connected to your network are as vulnerable to hackers and malware as your PCs and mobile devices. This is particularly so given that hackers know printers often retain all information that goes through them on their hard drive.
ABC Secure helps to keep your data safe in two core ways:
- Securing printers and multifunction devices through encryption, user authentication and secure network cards
- Using a central secured print server so print jobs can only be released from enabled devices with the necessary security clearance
Your ABC Secure Options/b>
Your ABC Connect package can be adapted to meet your business goals and exact needs.
ABC Secure
Visibility of Devices
Port Security
ID & Password Control
Guest & BYOD*
Secure Print
Backup & Restore of data**
Encryption of data and hard drives***
Certified Erase/Secure Disposal of hard drives and data
£9 /mo 11+ devices
£11 /mo 11+ devices
Please note: ABC Secure package is * Device dependent ** Connection to the print devices is required *** Additional charges may be required
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The ABC Secure service pack enhances the security, access, visibility and resilience of print devices within your organisation. With the increased need to protect and recover business data when the unexpected happens, ABC Secure helps organisations become more robust on its multi-function print devices.
The following services make up the full suite of ABC Securel:
Visibility of devices
Device Port Security
ID & Password Control
Guest security
Secure Print
Backup and restore of device hard drives
Encryption of device hard drives
Certified erase and disposal of hard drives at end of device contract.
If you handle sensitive client information day-to-day – as hospitals, lawyers and accountants do, for example – ABC Secure is a vital addition to your security measures. It makes sure your data is kept safe and only available to those authorised to see it. It also makes sure confidential documents are only printed as they’re needed, with less waste and no forgotten documents left on your printers.
You can. The printers and multifunction devices in your network are a vital part of your overall IT security strategy, and ABC Secure will make sure the data stored on their memories and hard drives is only available to those you want to see it.
Secure your printers and multifunction devices with encryption, enhanced user authentication and secure network configuration
Mobile workers can send print jobs to a central secured printer, then release them from any enabled device using pin pads, biometric authentication or proximity cards
Reduce waste and the risk of security breach through uncollected print-outs left on communal printers
Visibility of devices (wireless/wired)
Port security (including USB/SD/IP/Wireless/QR)
AD integration
ID and password control
Guest, visitor and mobile device security
Restricting/allowing access(including out of hours restrictions)
Erasing/secure disposal of hard drives and data
Secure Print
Backup/restoring data
Encryption of data and hard drives
Security Standard Compliance
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